The dozen drugs of hypertension (antihypertensifs) is available, each one with for and it against. You and your doctor have many questions to consider when deciding which drug is the best for your situation. Indeed, the treatment of hypertension with drugs can be complicated, requiring patience and persistence. But successfully the control of your arterial pressure is essential to keep complications representing a danger to the life with the compartment.
The national programme of education of hypertension - a coalition of professional, of public and agencies of organization and federal voluntary - established the directives which recommend which drugs to be tested under a variety of circumstances.
For example, if you have hypertension as well as engraves the failure of diabetes and kidney, the drugs which you will have need can differ from the drugs chosen for somebody whose arterial pressure only is moderately high and who does not have any other medical condition.
Here a glance with the recommendations for the drug employed to treat hypertension. To maintain in the spirit which it drug which your doctor suggests for you can be different because of your specific situation.
How drugs of hypertension are classified
The drugs of antihypertensif are included in eight categories according to the way in which they work to order your arterial pressure. Each category contains much various drugs. Moreover, of the drugs two or more different are sometimes combined in a simple pillule.
Which category of drug your doctor prescribed for you depends on your stage on hypertension and if you also have some other medical conditions.
Hypertension of stage 1 without principal problems of health
If you have the hypertension of stage 1, you have a systolic pressure (a higher number) to extend from 140 to 159 or a diastolic pressure (a lower number) extending from 90 to 99. If you are generally in good health differently, you can be able to adopt a more preserving approach with the drug. This means that you can be able to take diuretique simply to order your arterial pressure - with following healthy practices of life style. In special circumstances, however, a drug of another class can be your first choice.
Although three types of diuretic are available, the first choice is usually a thiazide diuretic.
The diuretique one of Thiazide have typically less unpleasant side effects than of other types of diuretic. They also offer strong protection against the damage which hypertension can appease on your body, such as the race and the cardiac arrest.
Your doctor can also recommend that you take another drug with the diuretique one, like:
Beta adjuster A converting inhibitor of enzymes of angiotensin II (C#) An adjuster of receiver of angiotensin II An adjuster of calcium channel To add one of these drugs can lower your arterial pressure more quickly than taking only one diuretic. That can reduce the risk to develop complications of hypertension. The combination of two drugs can also enable you to take a smaller amount of each one, which can reduce side effects and to even be less expensive. The choice of the drugs depends in association still on your various circumstances. Even when the choice is carefully made, different the answers change, and you can have to commutate drugs.
Hypertension of stage 2 without principal problems of health
If you have the hypertension of stage 2, you have a systolic pressure of 160 or higher or a diastolic pressure of 100 or higher. In this case, you will have to probably take at least two drugs when you begin the treatment.
As with the hypertension of stage 1, your will of doctor probably prescribe a thiazide diuretic. With this, your doctor can recommend that you also take:
An inhibitor of C# An adjuster of receiver of angiotensin II Beta adjuster An adjuster of calcium channel When your arterial pressure more severely is high like this, it is important to reduce it quickly to prevent or delay complications. A combination of two-drug works generally more quickly than a simple drug to obtain your tension arterielle sous la commande. Et comme avec l'hypertension de l'etape 1, ce poincon d'one-two peut offrir la protection contre la maladie de coeur, l'echec de rein et la course.
Hypertension plus d'autres problemes de sante principaux
L'hypertension souvent est de pair assortie a d'autres problemes de sante. Certaines conditions contraignent assez pour justifier un traitement plus agressif.
Ces conditions contraignantes sont :
Arret du coeur Crise cardiaque precedente A haut risque de la maladie de l'artere coronaire Hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche Diabete La maladie chronique de rein Course precedente L'hypertension elle-meme vous met a un plus gros risque de avoir une de ces conditions. Si vous avez deja un ou plusieurs de ces conditions plus l'hypertension, votre chance de developper une complication representant un danger pour la vie augmente. Une approche plus agressive peut etre m ore likely to reduce these complications.
When you have multiple health problems, you often need more medications to control them and their associated symptoms. Your doctor may recommend specific antihypertensives to treat these compelling conditions, as well as additional medications for your high arterial pressure.
If you have chest pain (angina), for instance, your doctor may recommend a beta blocker, which can lower your arterial pressure and also relieve your chest pain, reduce your heart rate and decrease your risk of death. If you have diabetes and high arterial pressure, taking a thiazide diuretic plus an ACE inhibitor can decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke. If you have diabetes, high arterial pressure and kidney disease, you may need to add even more medications to the mix, such as an angiotensin II receptor blocker.
When your first choices don't work well enough
If one or more of your first choices in medications don't effectively control your arterial pressure, your doctor may suggest that you add an older antihypertensive medication to your regimen.
These older medications are:
Alpha blockers Central-acting agents Direct vasodilators Because these medications tend to have more numerous and more severe side effects, they're often not used until you've tried other medications without success, or unless you have a pressing medical need to take them first.